ATTENTION: Your Business Is Potentially At Risk For A Non-ADA Compliant Website?

Unless You Make This Change To Your Website IMMEDIATELY, You Could Be Sued, (Even Extorted) For Thousands of Dollars Very Soon!

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Learn How To Avoid A Potential Lawsuit...

We Help Render Your Website And Web Content ‘ADA Compliant’ Which Saves You Tens Of Thousand In Lawsuits! . . . PLUS Gives Your Business A ‘Foot In The Door’ Into The $650B/Year ‘Untapped Disability Market'

Get A FREE Review Of Your Website And Web Contents For ADA Compliance Today . . .

Is Your Website ADA Compliant?

. . . AND Why It Is Important!

Something is currently going on and it’ll only be a matter of time before it gets to you or your business!

Website owners are being targeted and sued for a law they are not aware of . . .

It’s the ‘ADA’ act which requires businesses to make accommodations for people with disabilities in ALL their web content

If you are doing any type of business online that requires you to have a website, then you need to pay very close attention to what I’m about to say.

It’s sad because website owners are truly being targeted and sued for a law that they are mostly ignorant of. But the truth is, ignorance of this law is no excuse.

This is why you need to pay keen attention to EVERY word I’m about to say!

According to this law, if your site(s) don’t line up correctly with all its provisions, you could have to tap into your nest egg or retirement fund...if you have one.

There are individuals who are losing a significant chunk of their bank accounts because they are ignorant of this set of compliance laws that all websites need to abide by.

No one will want to find himself or herself in such a situation where you have to lose so much for something you literally know nothing about. It can be really devastating.

The average out-of-court settlement is about $50,000, can you imagine that?

I know this because I have helped a ton of businesses out of this minefield, and more than that, it’s all over the news too.

Let me show you just a few examples below:

No One Is Safe.

Who Is Affected?

Business owners are getting sued left and right, no matter the size of your business.

It's a serious mistake to think that ADA only affects very large corporations. All types and all sizes of businesses have to comply with ADA legislation for their customers or web visitors. Even the physical businesses are not left out!

Doesn’t Matter If You’re A:

Local Biz Owner

Online Marketer


Doctor, Dentist Or Specialist

Ecom Store Owner

Or Own A Website

What is ADA?

ADA stands for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As far back as 1990, this act was signed into law by President George H.W. And it’s one of America’s most important laws regarding accessibility and civil rights for people with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs; schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public.

Simply put, the law requires businesses to make accommodations for people with disabilities.

This means that all your web content should be accessible to the blind, deaf, and those who must navigate by voice, screen readers or other assistive technologies.

Everything comes under scrutiny; websites, apps, and pdfs all included. All of these are susceptible to lawsuits and litigation.

ADA provides that web content should be accessible to the blind, deaf, and those who must navigate by voice, screen readers or other assistive technologies . . .

Get A FREE Review Of Your Website And Web Contents For ADA Compliance Today . . .

American’s with Disability Act [ADA] . . . Many Have Fallen Victim, You May Just Be Next!

Just take a look at these

statistics when it comes to ADA & WCAG compliance:

  • Lawsuits are mounting and are expected to increase…
  • The Department of Justice has backed ADA website Lawsuits
  • A historic supreme court judgment last year caused a surge in website owners being sued for non-compliance with ADA
  • $6,000,000 was the Settlement Cost of a Recent Case
  • $50,000+ is the Average Legal Cost to Small Businesses
  • 1,700+ legal cases related to non-accessibility compliance in new york alone in 2020 . . .
  • More than 10,000 websites sued in 2020 for their website not being ADA compliant. This number is expected to hit 100k by next year - 2022.
  • Unlike GDPR, The ADA law requires no notice before a lawsuit is filed against a company for non-compliance.

Note: The law provides no time for a company to take action before a lawsuit is filed, and it offers no real defense to a company after a lawsuit has been filed!

Having An ADA Compliance Sites Is Repellant For Greedy Lawyers

It’s no secret that lawsuits for non-compliant sites are on the rise. As a matter of fact, this has become the new money maker for lawyers who used to chase ambulances.

And because they know the inner workings of the law, they can trap you in an instant for an easy payday.

  • But when you put the ADA compliance widget on your sites, you’ll sap them of their legal powers and render their underhanded schemes totally useless.

Get A FREE Review Of Your Website And Web Contents For ADA Compliance Today . . .

How Do You Tell If Your Website Is ADA Compliant?

First, you need to carry out an accessibility audit on your website to determine if it is ADA compliant or not. And if it is not, the next question is, what is the level of deviation from the compliance guidelines, and what needs to be done?

The accessibility audit covers fours areas of compliance, which are;

  • Perceivable
  • Operable
  • Understandable
  • Robust

All of these guidelines may seem a little vague to a lot of business owners.

And the bad news is, ignorance of the law is NOT an excuse!

But the good news is, we are here to help!

To know the status of your website, simply click the button below for the FREE website review and enter your contact information along with your website URL, so we can carry out a FREE accessibility audit of your website after which a comprehensive accessibility report will be sent to you completely free of charge.

In the report, you’ll see details about your compliance status and if you are not compliant, we’ll give recommendations on how to fix things up!

But How Do You Get Your Website To Be ADA Compliant

Truth is, it’s not close to being easy . . .

You’ll have to go through TONS AND TONS of assets HOPING that you’ll get everything compliant on your site.

And even if you take care of current items on your site, what about all the other pages, files, videos, audio files, and more that are lurking in the dark recesses of your server that you’ve forgotten about?

"To try and sort through each and every one of these items, making sure they are ADA compliant could take you weeks or even months!"

Not to mention that you need to make sure that you:

  • Have training
  • Have a web accessibility policy page
  • Make a web accessibility statement
  • Appoint an accessibility coordinator
  • Hiring an independent consultant, (depending on how large your business is)
  • Invite feedback

But We’ve Got You A Better Way . . .

Let Us Bring Our Experience Into Play And Help You Get Your Website & Web Content ADA Compliant In A Flash

Why not sit back, while we help you get your websites and ALL your web contents ADA compliant in a flash . . .

  • We’ve helped businesses and site owners like you for years and saved so many others from imminent lawsuits!
  • We have the requisite skills and team players to get the job done.
  • We have the experience too!

Get A FREE Review Of Your Website And Web Contents For ADA Compliance Today . . .

Get A FREE Review Of Your Website And Web Contents For ADA Compliance Today . . .

There are so many benefits to having your website/web content ADA Compliant . . .

Avoid Nasty & Costly Lawsuits That Suck Your Bank Accounts Dry. . .

I think we can both agree that prevention costs far less than attorney fees and settlement dollars. This is a very real problem worth your attention, even if you feel it is unlikely that someone would ever sue you for having an inaccessible website it is just a matter of time.

Plus, you are not only insulating yourself against a lawsuit. This step you are taking will help Americans with disabilities access your business’s products and services.

Rank Higher In The Search Engines With Less Effort . . .

ADA is Great For SEO Too!

Becoming ADA compliant simply means making your site more accessible...

Did you know that having an accessible website is so important that Google gives it more relevance than one that isn’t accessible?

So by not having an accessible website for disabled people, you could be losing out on a ton of potential customers which means losing out on more potential revenue.

Just another reason to get your web content to be ADA Compliant now!

... Plus Tap Into The $650Billion/Year Disability Market

If you ever thought that the blind, deaf and physically challenged don’t use the internet or shop online just like you do then you need to have a RE-THINK!

Having your website/web contents ADA compliant gives you an easy ‘Foot In The Door’ into this multi-billion dollar disability market!

Don’t Procrastinate Or Risk Going To Court soon!

Take ADA Compliance Seriously Today!

Get A FREE Review Of Your Website And Web Contents For ADA Compliance Today

It’s estimated that 85% of ADA lawsuits in federal and state courts were filed against small and medium retail businesses. Again, ignorance is not an excuse!


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Get A FREE Review Of Your Website And Web Contents For ADA Compliance Today . . .